RGB to Color Name Mapping
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The color table has been roughly divided up into shades. Select one of these: Black and Gray; Blue; Brown; Gray; Green; Orange; Red; Violet; White; Yellow; to jump to that division.
The "BG/FG color sample" is made by changing both the background and foreground colors. The background is changed with
<... BGCOLOR=#xxxxxx ...>and foreground is changed with
<FONT COLOR=#xxxxxx>You will see a solid block of color in the samples below if your browser supports both markups; or just "### SAMPLE ###" in color if just one is supported. (Almost all support both now.)
Please click here to see why metalic looking colors do not appear here. Some other sources are listed also.
Shades of Black and Gray | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
black | 0,0,0 | 000000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey | 190,190,190 | BEBEBE | ### SAMPLE ### |
DimGrey | 105,105,105 | 696969 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGray | 211,211,211 | D3D3D3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSlateGrey | 119,136,153 | 778899 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGray | 112,128,144 | 708090 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGray1 | 198,226,255 | C6E2FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGray2 | 185,211,238 | B9D3EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGray3 | 159,182,205 | 9FB6CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGray4 | 108,123,139 | 6C7B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateGrey | 112,128,144 | 708090 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey0 | 0,0,0 | 000000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey1 | 3,3,3 | 030303 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey2 | 5,5,5 | 050505 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey3 | 8,8,8 | 080808 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey4 | 10,10,10 | 0A0A0A | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey5 | 13,13,13 | 0D0D0D | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey6 | 15,15,15 | 0F0F0F | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey7 | 18,18,18 | 121212 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey8 | 20,20,20 | 141414 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey9 | 23,23,23 | 171717 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey10 | 26,26,26 | 1A1A1A | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey11 | 28,28,28 | 1C1C1C | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey12 | 31,31,31 | 1F1F1F | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey13 | 33,33,33 | 212121 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey14 | 36,36,36 | 242424 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey15 | 38,38,38 | 262626 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey16 | 41,41,41 | 292929 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey17 | 43,43,43 | 2B2B2B | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey18 | 46,46,46 | 2E2E2E | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey19 | 48,48,48 | 303030 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey20 | 51,51,51 | 333333 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey21 | 54,54,54 | 363636 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey22 | 56,56,56 | 383838 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey23 | 59,59,59 | 3B3B3B | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey24 | 61,61,61 | 3D3D3D | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey25 | 64,64,64 | 404040 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey26 | 66,66,66 | 424242 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey27 | 69,69,69 | 454545 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey28 | 71,71,71 | 474747 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey29 | 74,74,74 | 4A4A4A | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey30 | 77,77,77 | 4D4D4D | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey31 | 79,79,79 | 4F4F4F | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey32 | 82,82,82 | 525252 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey33 | 84,84,84 | 545454 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey34 | 87,87,87 | 575757 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey35 | 89,89,89 | 595959 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey36 | 92,92,92 | 5C5C5C | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey37 | 94,94,94 | 5E5E5E | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey38 | 97,97,97 | 616161 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey39 | 99,99,99 | 636363 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey40 | 102,102,102 | 666666 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey41 | 105,105,105 | 696969 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey42 | 107,107,107 | 6B6B6B | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey43 | 110,110,110 | 6E6E6E | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey44 | 112,112,112 | 707070 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey45 | 115,115,115 | 737373 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey46 | 117,117,117 | 757575 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey47 | 120,120,120 | 787878 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey48 | 122,122,122 | 7A7A7A | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey49 | 125,125,125 | 7D7D7D | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey50 | 127,127,127 | 7F7F7F | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey51 | 130,130,130 | 828282 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey52 | 133,133,133 | 858585 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey53 | 135,135,135 | 878787 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey54 | 138,138,138 | 8A8A8A | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey55 | 140,140,140 | 8C8C8C | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey56 | 143,143,143 | 8F8F8F | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey57 | 145,145,145 | 919191 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey58 | 148,148,148 | 949494 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey59 | 150,150,150 | 969696 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey60 | 153,153,153 | 999999 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey61 | 156,156,156 | 9C9C9C | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey62 | 158,158,158 | 9E9E9E | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey63 | 161,161,161 | A1A1A1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey64 | 163,163,163 | A3A3A3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey65 | 166,166,166 | A6A6A6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey66 | 168,168,168 | A8A8A8 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey67 | 171,171,171 | ABABAB | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey68 | 173,173,173 | ADADAD | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey69 | 176,176,176 | B0B0B0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey70 | 179,179,179 | B3B3B3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey71 | 181,181,181 | B5B5B5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey72 | 184,184,184 | B8B8B8 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey73 | 186,186,186 | BABABA | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey74 | 189,189,189 | BDBDBD | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey75 | 191,191,191 | BFBFBF | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey76 | 194,194,194 | C2C2C2 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey77 | 196,196,196 | C4C4C4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey78 | 199,199,199 | C7C7C7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey79 | 201,201,201 | C9C9C9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey80 | 204,204,204 | CCCCCC | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey81 | 207,207,207 | CFCFCF | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey82 | 209,209,209 | D1D1D1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey83 | 212,212,212 | D4D4D4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey84 | 214,214,214 | D6D6D6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey85 | 217,217,217 | D9D9D9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey86 | 219,219,219 | DBDBDB | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey87 | 222,222,222 | DEDEDE | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey88 | 224,224,224 | E0E0E0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey89 | 227,227,227 | E3E3E3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey90 | 229,229,229 | E5E5E5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey91 | 232,232,232 | E8E8E8 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey92 | 235,235,235 | EBEBEB | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey93 | 237,237,237 | EDEDED | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey94 | 240,240,240 | F0F0F0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey95 | 242,242,242 | F2F2F2 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey96 | 245,245,245 | F5F5F5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey97 | 247,247,247 | F7F7F7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey98 | 250,250,250 | FAFAFA | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey99 | 252,252,252 | FCFCFC | ### SAMPLE ### |
grey100 | 255,255,255 | FFFFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Blue | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
AliceBlue | 240,248,255 | F0F8FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
BlueViolet | 138,43,226 | 8A2BE2 | ### SAMPLE ### |
CadetBlue | 95,158,160 | 5F9EA0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
CadetBlue1 | 152,245,255 | 98F5FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
CadetBlue2 | 142,229,238 | 8EE5EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
CadetBlue3 | 122,197,205 | 7AC5CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
CadetBlue4 | 83,134,139 | 53868B | ### SAMPLE ### |
CornflowerBlue | 100,149,237 | 6495ED | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSlateBlue | 72,61,139 | 483D8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkTurquoise | 0,206,209 | 00CED1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepSkyBlue | 0,191,255 | 00BFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepSkyBlue1 | 0,191,255 | 00BFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepSkyBlue2 | 0,178,238 | 00B2EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepSkyBlue3 | 0,154,205 | 009ACD | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepSkyBlue4 | 0,104,139 | 00688B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DodgerBlue | 30,144,255 | 1E90FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DodgerBlue1 | 30,144,255 | 1E90FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DodgerBlue2 | 28,134,238 | 1C86EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
DodgerBlue3 | 24,116,205 | 1874CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
DodgerBlue4 | 16,78,139 | 104E8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightBlue | 173,216,230 | ADD8E6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightBlue1 | 191,239,255 | BFEFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightBlue2 | 178,223,238 | B2DFEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightBlue3 | 154,192,205 | 9AC0CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightBlue4 | 104,131,139 | 68838B | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCyan | 224,255,255 | E0FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCyan1 | 224,255,255 | E0FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCyan2 | 209,238,238 | D1EEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCyan3 | 180,205,205 | B4CDCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCyan4 | 122,139,139 | 7A8B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSkyBlue | 135,206,250 | 87CEFA | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSkyBlue1 | 176,226,255 | B0E2FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSkyBlue2 | 164,211,238 | A4D3EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSkyBlue3 | 141,182,205 | 8DB6CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSkyBlue4 | 96,123,139 | 607B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSlateBlue | 132,112,255 | 8470FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSteelBlue | 176,196,222 | B0C4DE | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSteelBlue1 | 202,225,255 | CAE1FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSteelBlue2 | 188,210,238 | BCD2EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSteelBlue3 | 162,181,205 | A2B5CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSteelBlue4 | 110,123,139 | 6E7B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumAquamarine | 102,205,170 | 66CDAA | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumBlue | 0,0,205 | 0000CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumSlateBlue | 123,104,238 | 7B68EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumTurquoise | 72,209,204 | 48D1CC | ### SAMPLE ### |
MidnightBlue | 25,25,112 | 191970 | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavyBlue | 0,0,128 | 000080 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleTurquoise | 175,238,238 | AFEEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleTurquoise1 | 187,255,255 | BBFFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleTurquoise2 | 174,238,238 | AEEEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleTurquoise3 | 150,205,205 | 96CDCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleTurquoise4 | 102,139,139 | 668B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
PowderBlue | 176,224,230 | B0E0E6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue | 65,105,225 | 4169E1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue1 | 72,118,255 | 4876FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue2 | 67,110,238 | 436EEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue3 | 58,95,205 | 3A5FCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue4 | 39,64,139 | 27408B | ### SAMPLE ### |
RoyalBlue5 | 00,34,102 | 002266 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SkyBlue | 135,206,235 | 87CEEB | ### SAMPLE ### |
SkyBlue1 | 135,206,255 | 87CEFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
SkyBlue2 | 126,192,238 | 7EC0EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
SkyBlue3 | 108,166,205 | 6CA6CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
SkyBlue4 | 74,112,139 | 4A708B | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateBlue | 106,90,205 | 6A5ACD | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateBlue1 | 131,111,255 | 836FFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateBlue2 | 122,103,238 | 7A67EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateBlue3 | 105,89,205 | 6959CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
SlateBlue4 | 71,60,139 | 473C8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
SteelBlue | 70,130,180 | 4682B4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SteelBlue1 | 99,184,255 | 63B8FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
SteelBlue2 | 92,172,238 | 5CACEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
SteelBlue3 | 79,148,205 | 4F94CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
SteelBlue4 | 54,100,139 | 36648B | ### SAMPLE ### |
aquamarine | 127,255,212 | 7FFFD4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
aquamarine1 | 127,255,212 | 7FFFD4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
aquamarine2 | 118,238,198 | 76EEC6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
aquamarine3 | 102,205,170 | 66CDAA | ### SAMPLE ### |
aquamarine4 | 69,139,116 | 458B74 | ### SAMPLE ### |
azure | 240,255,255 | F0FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
azure1 | 240,255,255 | F0FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
azure2 | 224,238,238 | E0EEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
azure3 | 193,205,205 | C1CDCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
azure4 | 131,139,139 | 838B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
blue | 0,0,255 | 0000FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
blue1 | 0,0,255 | 0000FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
blue2 | 0,0,238 | 0000EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
blue3 | 0,0,205 | 0000CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
blue4 | 0,0,139 | 00008B | ### SAMPLE ### |
cyan | 0,255,255 | 00FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
cyan1 | 0,255,255 | 00FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
cyan2 | 0,238,238 | 00EEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
cyan3 | 0,205,205 | 00CDCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
cyan4 | 0,139,139 | 008B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
navy | 0,0,128 | 000080 | ### SAMPLE ### |
turquoise | 64,224,208 | 40E0D0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
turquoise1 | 0,245,255 | 00F5FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
turquoise2 | 0,229,238 | 00E5EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
turquoise3 | 0,197,205 | 00C5CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
turquoise4 | 0,134,139 | 00868B | ### (c) 1999 /KJW ### |
DarkSlateGray | 47,79,79 | 2F4F4F | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSlateGray1 | 151,255,255 | 97FFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSlateGray2 | 141,238,238 | 8DEEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSlateGray3 | 121,205,205 | 79CDCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSlateGray4 | 82,139,139 | 528B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Brown | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
RosyBrown | 188,143,143 | BC8F8F | ### SAMPLE ### |
RosyBrown1 | 255,193,193 | FFC1C1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
RosyBrown2 | 238,180,180 | EEB4B4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
RosyBrown3 | 205,155,155 | CD9B9B | ### SAMPLE ### |
RosyBrown4 | 139,105,105 | 8B6969 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SaddleBrown | 139,69,19 | 8B4513 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SandyBrown | 244,164,96 | F4A460 | ### SAMPLE ### |
beige | 245,245,220 | F5F5DC | ### SAMPLE ### |
brown | 165,42,42 | A52A2A | ### SAMPLE ### |
brown1 | 255,64,64 | FF4040 | ### SAMPLE ### |
brown2 | 238,59,59 | EE3B3B | ### SAMPLE ### |
brown3 | 205,51,51 | CD3333 | ### SAMPLE ### |
brown4 | 139,35,35 | 8B2323 | ### SAMPLE ### |
burlywood | 222,184,135 | DEB887 | ### SAMPLE ### |
burlywood1 | 255,211,155 | FFD39B | ### SAMPLE ### |
burlywood2 | 238,197,145 | EEC591 | ### SAMPLE ### |
burlywood3 | 205,170,125 | CDAA7D | ### SAMPLE ### |
burlywood4 | 139,115,85 | 8B7355 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chocolate | 210,105,30 | D2691E | ### SAMPLE ### |
chocolate1 | 255,127,36 | FF7F24 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chocolate2 | 238,118,33 | EE7621 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chocolate3 | 205,102,29 | CD661D | ### SAMPLE ### |
chocolate4 | 139,69,19 | 8B4513 | ### SAMPLE ### |
peru | 205,133,63 | CD853F | ### SAMPLE ### |
tan | 210,180,140 | D2B48C | ### SAMPLE ### |
tan1 | 255,165,79 | FFA54F | ### SAMPLE ### |
tan2 | 238,154,73 | EE9A49 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tan3 | 205,133,63 | CD853F | ### SAMPLE ### |
tan4 | 139,90,43 | 8B5A2B | ### (c) 1999 walsh@njit.edu ### |
Shades of Green | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
DarkGreen | 0,100,0 | 006400 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkKhaki | 189,183,107 | BDB76B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOliveGreen | 85,107,47 | 556B2F | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOliveGreen1 | 202,255,112 | CAFF70 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOliveGreen2 | 188,238,104 | BCEE68 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOliveGreen3 | 162,205,90 | A2CD5A | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOliveGreen4 | 110,139,61 | 6E8B3D | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSeaGreen | 143,188,143 | 8FBC8F | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSeaGreen1 | 193,255,193 | C1FFC1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSeaGreen2 | 180,238,180 | B4EEB4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSeaGreen3 | 155,205,155 | 9BCD9B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSeaGreen4 | 105,139,105 | 698B69 | ### SAMPLE ### |
ForestGreen | 34,139,34 | 228B22 | ### SAMPLE ### |
GreenYellow | 173,255,47 | ADFF2F | ### SAMPLE ### |
LawnGreen | 124,252,0 | 7CFC00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSeaGreen | 32,178,170 | 20B2AA | ### SAMPLE ### |
LimeGreen | 50,205,50 | 32CD32 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumSeaGreen | 60,179,113 | 3CB371 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumSpringGreen | 0,250,154 | 00FA9A | ### SAMPLE ### |
MintCream | 245,255,250 | F5FFFA | ### SAMPLE ### |
OliveDrab | 107,142,35 | 6B8E23 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OliveDrab1 | 192,255,62 | C0FF3E | ### SAMPLE ### |
OliveDrab2 | 179,238,58 | B3EE3A | ### SAMPLE ### |
OliveDrab3 | 154,205,50 | 9ACD32 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OliveDrab4 | 105,139,34 | 698B22 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGreen | 152,251,152 | 98FB98 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGreen1 | 154,255,154 | 9AFF9A | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGreen2 | 144,238,144 | 90EE90 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGreen3 | 124,205,124 | 7CCD7C | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGreen4 | 84,139,84 | 548B54 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SeaGreen | 46,139,87 | 2E8B57 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SeaGreen1 | 84,255,159 | 54FF9F | ### SAMPLE ### |
SeaGreen2 | 78,238,148 | 4EEE94 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SeaGreen3 | 67,205,128 | 43CD80 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SeaGreen4 | 46,139,87 | 2E8B57 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SpringGreen | 0,255,127 | 00FF7F | ### SAMPLE ### |
SpringGreen1 | 0,255,127 | 00FF7F | ### SAMPLE ### |
SpringGreen2 | 0,238,118 | 00EE76 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SpringGreen3 | 0,205,102 | 00CD66 | ### SAMPLE ### |
SpringGreen4 | 0,139,69 | 008B45 | ### SAMPLE ### |
YellowGreen | 154,205,50 | 9ACD32 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chartreuse | 127,255,0 | 7FFF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chartreuse1 | 127,255,0 | 7FFF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chartreuse2 | 118,238,0 | 76EE00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chartreuse3 | 102,205,0 | 66CD00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
chartreuse4 | 69,139,0 | 458B00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
green | 0,255,0 | 00FF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
green1 | 0,255,0 | 00FF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
green2 | 0,238,0 | 00EE00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
green3 | 0,205,0 | 00CD00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
green4 | 0,139,0 | 008B00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
khaki | 240,230,140 | F0E68C | ### SAMPLE ### |
khaki1 | 255,246,143 | FFF68F | ### SAMPLE ### |
khaki2 | 238,230,133 | EEE685 | ### SAMPLE ### |
khaki3 | 205,198,115 | CDC673 | ### SAMPLE ### |
khaki4 | 139,134,78 | 8B864E | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Orange | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
DarkOrange | 255,140,0 | FF8C00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrange1 | 255,127,0 | FF7F00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrange2 | 238,118,0 | EE7600 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrange3 | 205,102,0 | CD6600 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrange4 | 139,69,0 | 8B4500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkSalmon | 233,150,122 | E9967A | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightCoral | 240,128,128 | F08080 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSalmon | 255,160,122 | FFA07A | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSalmon1 | 255,160,122 | FFA07A | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSalmon2 | 238,149,114 | EE9572 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSalmon3 | 205,129,98 | CD8162 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightSalmon4 | 139,87,66 | 8B5742 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PeachPuff | 255,218,185 | FFDAB9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PeachPuff1 | 255,218,185 | FFDAB9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PeachPuff2 | 238,203,173 | EECBAD | ### SAMPLE ### |
PeachPuff3 | 205,175,149 | CDAF95 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PeachPuff4 | 139,119,101 | 8B7765 | ### SAMPLE ### |
bisque | 255,228,196 | FFE4C4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
bisque1 | 255,228,196 | FFE4C4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
bisque2 | 238,213,183 | EED5B7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
bisque3 | 205,183,158 | CDB79E | ### SAMPLE ### |
bisque4 | 139,125,107 | 8B7D6B | ### SAMPLE ### |
coral | 255,127,80 | FF7F50 | ### SAMPLE ### |
coral1 | 255,114,86 | FF7256 | ### SAMPLE ### |
coral2 | 238,106,80 | EE6A50 | ### SAMPLE ### |
coral3 | 205,91,69 | CD5B45 | ### SAMPLE ### |
coral4 | 139,62,47 | 8B3E2F | ### SAMPLE ### |
honeydew | 240,255,240 | F0FFF0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
honeydew1 | 240,255,240 | F0FFF0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
honeydew2 | 224,238,224 | E0EEE0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
honeydew3 | 193,205,193 | C1CDC1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
honeydew4 | 131,139,131 | 838B83 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orange | 255,165,0 | FFA500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orange1 | 255,165,0 | FFA500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orange2 | 238,154,0 | EE9A00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orange3 | 205,133,0 | CD8500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orange4 | 139,90,0 | 8B5A00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
salmon | 250,128,114 | FA8072 | ### SAMPLE ### |
salmon1 | 255,140,105 | FF8C69 | ### SAMPLE ### |
salmon2 | 238,130,98 | EE8262 | ### SAMPLE ### |
salmon3 | 205,112,84 | CD7054 | ### SAMPLE ### |
salmon4 | 139,76,57 | 8B4C39 | ### SAMPLE ### |
sienna | 160,82,45 | A0522D | ### SAMPLE ### |
sienna1 | 255,130,71 | FF8247 | ### SAMPLE ### |
sienna2 | 238,121,66 | EE7942 | ### SAMPLE ### |
sienna3 | 205,104,57 | CD6839 | ### SAMPLE ### |
sienna4 | 139,71,38 | 8B4726 | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Red | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
DeepPink | 255,20,147 | FF1493 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepPink1 | 255,20,147 | FF1493 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepPink2 | 238,18,137 | EE1289 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepPink3 | 205,16,118 | CD1076 | ### SAMPLE ### |
DeepPink4 | 139,10,80 | 8B0A50 | ### SAMPLE ### |
HotPink | 255,105,180 | FF69B4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
HotPink1 | 255,110,180 | FF6EB4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
HotPink2 | 238,106,167 | EE6AA7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
HotPink3 | 205,96,144 | CD6090 | ### SAMPLE ### |
HotPink4 | 139,58,98 | 8B3A62 | ### SAMPLE ### |
IndianRed | 205,92,92 | CD5C5C | ### SAMPLE ### |
IndianRed1 | 255,106,106 | FF6A6A | ### SAMPLE ### |
IndianRed2 | 238,99,99 | EE6363 | ### SAMPLE ### |
IndianRed3 | 205,85,85 | CD5555 | ### SAMPLE ### |
IndianRed4 | 139,58,58 | 8B3A3A | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightPink | 255,182,193 | FFB6C1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightPink1 | 255,174,185 | FFAEB9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightPink2 | 238,162,173 | EEA2AD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightPink3 | 205,140,149 | CD8C95 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightPink4 | 139,95,101 | 8B5F65 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumVioletRed | 199,21,133 | C71585 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MistyRose | 255,228,225 | FFE4E1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MistyRose1 | 255,228,225 | FFE4E1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MistyRose2 | 238,213,210 | EED5D2 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MistyRose3 | 205,183,181 | CDB7B5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MistyRose4 | 139,125,123 | 8B7D7B | ### SAMPLE ### |
OrangeRed | 255,69,0 | FF4500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OrangeRed1 | 255,69,0 | FF4500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OrangeRed2 | 238,64,0 | EE4000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OrangeRed3 | 205,55,0 | CD3700 | ### SAMPLE ### |
OrangeRed4 | 139,37,0 | 8B2500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleVioletRed | 219,112,147 | DB7093 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleVioletRed1 | 255,130,171 | FF82AB | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleVioletRed2 | 238,121,159 | EE799F | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleVioletRed3 | 205,104,137 | CD6889 | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleVioletRed4 | 139,71,93 | 8B475D | ### SAMPLE ### |
VioletRed | 208,32,144 | D02090 | ### SAMPLE ### |
VioletRed1 | 255,62,150 | FF3E96 | ### SAMPLE ### |
VioletRed2 | 238,58,140 | EE3A8C | ### SAMPLE ### |
VioletRed3 | 205,50,120 | CD3278 | ### SAMPLE ### |
VioletRed4 | 139,34,82 | 8B2252 | ### SAMPLE ### |
firebrick | 178,34,34 | B22222 | ### SAMPLE ### |
firebrick1 | 255,48,48 | FF3030 | ### SAMPLE ### |
firebrick2 | 238,44,44 | EE2C2C | ### SAMPLE ### |
firebrick3 | 205,38,38 | CD2626 | ### SAMPLE ### |
firebrick4 | 139,26,26 | 8B1A1A | ### SAMPLE ### |
pink | 255,192,203 | FFC0CB | ### SAMPLE ### |
pink1 | 255,181,197 | FFB5C5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
pink2 | 238,169,184 | EEA9B8 | ### SAMPLE ### |
pink3 | 205,145,158 | CD919E | ### SAMPLE ### |
pink4 | 139,99,108 | 8B636C | ### SAMPLE ### |
red | 255,0,0 | FF0000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
red1 | 255,0,0 | FF0000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
red2 | 238,0,0 | EE0000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
red3 | 205,0,0 | CD0000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
red4 | 139,0,0 | 8B0000 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tomato | 255,99,71 | FF6347 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tomato1 | 255,99,71 | FF6347 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tomato2 | 238,92,66 | EE5C42 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tomato3 | 205,79,57 | CD4F39 | ### SAMPLE ### |
tomato4 | 139,54,38 | 8B3626 | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Violet | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
DarkOrchid | 153,50,204 | 9932CC | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrchid1 | 191,62,255 | BF3EFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrchid2 | 178,58,238 | B23AEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrchid3 | 154,50,205 | 9A32CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkOrchid4 | 104,34,139 | 68228B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkViolet | 148,0,211 | 9400D3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LavenderBlush | 255,240,245 | FFF0F5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LavenderBlush1 | 255,240,245 | FFF0F5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LavenderBlush2 | 238,224,229 | EEE0E5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LavenderBlush3 | 205,193,197 | CDC1C5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LavenderBlush4 | 139,131,134 | 8B8386 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumOrchid | 186,85,211 | BA55D3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumOrchid1 | 224,102,255 | E066FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumOrchid2 | 209,95,238 | D15FEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumOrchid3 | 180,82,205 | B452CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumOrchid4 | 122,55,139 | 7A378B | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumPurple | 147,112,219 | 9370DB | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumPurple1 | 171,130,255 | AB82FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumPurple2 | 159,121,238 | 9F79EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumPurple3 | 137,104,205 | 8968CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
MediumPurple4 | 93,71,139 | 5D478B | ### SAMPLE ### |
lavender | 230,230,250 | E6E6FA | ### SAMPLE ### |
magenta | 255,0,255 | FF00FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
magenta1 | 255,0,255 | FF00FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
magenta2 | 238,0,238 | EE00EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
magenta3 | 205,0,205 | CD00CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
magenta4 | 139,0,139 | 8B008B | ### SAMPLE ### |
maroon | 176,48,96 | B03060 | ### SAMPLE ### |
maroon1 | 255,52,179 | FF34B3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
maroon2 | 238,48,167 | EE30A7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
maroon3 | 205,41,144 | CD2990 | ### SAMPLE ### |
maroon4 | 139,28,98 | 8B1C62 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orchid | 218,112,214 | DA70D6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orchid1 | 255,131,250 | FF83FA | ### SAMPLE ### |
orchid2 | 238,122,233 | EE7AE9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orchid3 | 205,105,201 | CD69C9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
orchid4 | 139,71,137 | 8B4789 | ### SAMPLE ### |
plum | 221,160,221 | DDA0DD | ### SAMPLE ### |
plum1 | 255,187,255 | FFBBFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
plum2 | 238,174,238 | EEAEEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
plum3 | 205,150,205 | CD96CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
plum4 | 139,102,139 | 8B668B | ### SAMPLE ### |
purple | 160,32,240 | A020F0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
purple1 | 155,48,255 | 9B30FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
purple2 | 145,44,238 | 912CEE | ### SAMPLE ### |
purple3 | 125,38,205 | 7D26CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
purple4 | 85,26,139 | 551A8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
thistle | 216,191,216 | D8BFD8 | ### SAMPLE ### |
thistle1 | 255,225,255 | FFE1FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
thistle2 | 238,210,238 | EED2EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
thistle3 | 205,181,205 | CDB5CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
thistle4 | 139,123,139 | 8B7B8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
violet | 238,130,238 | EE82EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of White | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
AntiqueWhite | 250,235,215 | FAEBD7 | ### SAMPLE ### |
AntiqueWhite1 | 255,239,219 | FFEFDB | ### SAMPLE ### |
AntiqueWhite2 | 238,223,204 | EEDFCC | ### SAMPLE ### |
AntiqueWhite3 | 205,192,176 | CDC0B0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
AntiqueWhite4 | 139,131,120 | 8B8378 | ### SAMPLE ### |
FloralWhite | 255,250,240 | FFFAF0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
GhostWhite | 248,248,255 | F8F8FF | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavajoWhite | 255,222,173 | FFDEAD | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavajoWhite1 | 255,222,173 | FFDEAD | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavajoWhite2 | 238,207,161 | EECFA1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavajoWhite3 | 205,179,139 | CDB38B | ### SAMPLE ### |
NavajoWhite4 | 139,121,94 | 8B795E | ### SAMPLE ### |
OldLace | 253,245,230 | FDF5E6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
WhiteSmoke | 245,245,245 | F5F5F5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gainsboro | 220,220,220 | DCDCDC | ### SAMPLE ### |
ivory | 255,255,240 | FFFFF0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
ivory1 | 255,255,240 | FFFFF0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
ivory2 | 238,238,224 | EEEEE0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
ivory3 | 205,205,193 | CDCDC1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
ivory4 | 139,139,131 | 8B8B83 | ### SAMPLE ### |
linen | 250,240,230 | FAF0E6 | ### SAMPLE ### |
seashell | 255,245,238 | FFF5EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
seashell1 | 255,245,238 | FFF5EE | ### SAMPLE ### |
seashell2 | 238,229,222 | EEE5DE | ### SAMPLE ### |
seashell3 | 205,197,191 | CDC5BF | ### SAMPLE ### |
seashell4 | 139,134,130 | 8B8682 | ### SAMPLE ### |
snow | 255,250,250 | FFFAFA | ### SAMPLE ### |
snow1 | 255,250,250 | FFFAFA | ### SAMPLE ### |
snow2 | 238,233,233 | EEE9E9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
snow3 | 205,201,201 | CDC9C9 | ### SAMPLE ### |
snow4 | 139,137,137 | 8B8989 | ### SAMPLE ### |
wheat | 245,222,179 | F5DEB3 | ### SAMPLE ### |
wheat1 | 255,231,186 | FFE7BA | ### SAMPLE ### |
wheat2 | 238,216,174 | EED8AE | ### SAMPLE ### |
wheat3 | 205,186,150 | CDBA96 | ### SAMPLE ### |
wheat4 | 139,126,102 | 8B7E66 | ### SAMPLE ### |
white | 255,255,255 | FFFFFF | ### SAMPLE ### |
Shades of Yellow | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
BlanchedAlmond | 255,235,205 | FFEBCD | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkGoldenrod | 184,134,11 | B8860B | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkGoldenrod1 | 255,185,15 | FFB90F | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkGoldenrod2 | 238,173,14 | EEAD0E | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkGoldenrod3 | 205,149,12 | CD950C | ### SAMPLE ### |
DarkGoldenrod4 | 139,101,8 | 8B6508 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LemonChiffon | 255,250,205 | FFFACD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LemonChiffon1 | 255,250,205 | FFFACD | ### SAMPLE ### |
LemonChiffon2 | 238,233,191 | EEE9BF | ### SAMPLE ### |
LemonChiffon3 | 205,201,165 | CDC9A5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LemonChiffon4 | 139,137,112 | 8B8970 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrod | 238,221,130 | EEDD82 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrod1 | 255,236,139 | FFEC8B | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrod2 | 238,220,130 | EEDC82 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrod3 | 205,190,112 | CDBE70 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrod4 | 139,129,76 | 8B814C | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightGoldenrodYellow | 250,250,210 | FAFAD2 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightYellow | 255,255,224 | FFFFE0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightYellow1 | 255,255,224 | FFFFE0 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightYellow2 | 238,238,209 | EEEED1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightYellow3 | 205,205,180 | CDCDB4 | ### SAMPLE ### |
LightYellow4 | 139,139,122 | 8B8B7A | ### SAMPLE ### |
PaleGoldenrod | 238,232,170 | EEE8AA | ### SAMPLE ### |
PapayaWhip | 255,239,213 | FFEFD5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
cornsilk | 255,248,220 | FFF8DC | ### SAMPLE ### |
cornsilk1 | 255,248,220 | FFF8DC | ### SAMPLE ### |
cornsilk2 | 238,232,205 | EEE8CD | ### SAMPLE ### |
cornsilk3 | 205,200,177 | CDC8B1 | ### SAMPLE ### |
cornsilk4 | 139,136,120 | 8B8878 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold | 255,215,0 | FFD700 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold1 | 255,215,0 | FFD700 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold2 | 238,201,0 | EEC900 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold3 | 205,173,0 | CDAD00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold4 | 139,117,0 | 8B7500 | ### SAMPLE ### |
goldenrod | 218,165,32 | DAA520 | ### SAMPLE ### |
goldenrod1 | 255,193,37 | FFC125 | ### SAMPLE ### |
goldenrod2 | 238,180,34 | EEB422 | ### SAMPLE ### |
goldenrod3 | 205,155,29 | CD9B1D | ### SAMPLE ### |
goldenrod4 | 139,105,20 | 8B6914 | ### SAMPLE ### |
moccasin | 255,228,181 | FFE4B5 | ### SAMPLE ### |
yellow | 255,255,0 | FFFF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
yellow1 | 255,255,0 | FFFF00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
yellow2 | 238,238,0 | EEEE00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
yellow3 | 205,205,0 | CDCD00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
yellow4 | 139,139,0 | 8B8B00 | ### SAMPLE ### |
The Problem with Metallic Colors
Several times folks have written asking what the codes are for a metallic color, such as gold, silver, or copper. It is my understanding that these tones cannot be depicted with an RGB code because they are not composed of a single basic color: Several different shades are mingled to produce a shiny-metal look. The mingling of shades requires the use of a GIF, JPG or other image; it could be used as a background.If my understanding of this is a misunderstanding then I'd greatly apprecate enlightment.
Here are some attempts to make a metal color with just RGB, as depected at Netscape at http://home1.netscape.com/home/bg/colorindex.html
Metal RGB according to Netscape | |||
Color Name | R/G/B | Hex | BG/FG color sample |
copper | 184,115,51 | B87333 | ### SAMPLE ### |
gold | 205,127,50 | CD7F32 | ### SAMPLE ### |
silver | 230,232,250 | E6E8FA | ### SAMPLE ### |
These metallics are, IMHO, lame. Anyone who happens to have samples of metalic looking GIFs that I might use for an example here are urged to email me.
A potential chrome metallic is http://isd.cme.nist.gov/graphics/backgrounds/chrome.gif, but unfortunately the image doesn't wrap properly (the edges show when used as a background).
Another metalic http://www.space.net.au/~jooste/art/others/backgrounds/ripplechrome.gif also falls short of my expectations but it wraps perfectly and looks cool. (So I'm using it as my screen background :-)
My exact idea of good metallic rendering is found at http://userpages.nkn.net/userpages-3d/chrome-icons.gif. Unfortunately this image is of the word "Icon" spelled out in chrome, so it cannot be used as a background.
Other Resources
- Whatcolor Displays R;G;B for the pixel under mouse cursor; displays corresponding names when known (about 1/2 of those shown above). Intended for use by partially or totally color blind people, it is invaluable for matching colors to images when making HTML documents. Shareware, I think a real bargan $8.00 registration. http://www.hikarun.com/e/.
- RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart Most of my co-workers have this very concise 200+ colors with R;G;B chart on the wall behind their monitor. Also very useful FG/BG/LINKs color calculator and other useful stuff from Douglas Jacobson. http://www.hypersolutions.org/rgb.html
- http://www.cyphen.com/ Color-codes generating gizmo. Complex yet beautful. Java in your browser.
- Color Composing MachineClick-and-see interface, cranks out actual HTML for background, text, and links that you can cut 'n paste into your hand-edited documents. Other useful stuff, too. http://www.two4u.com/color/
- And of course http://dir.yahoo.com/Arts/Design_Arts/Graphic_Design/Web_Page_Design_and_Layout/Color_Information/
- This is a composite of MIT's Xconsortum red/green/blue (RGB) color specifications, Xconsortum version 10.41, 1994.
- The first version of this document was in 1995 or 1996.
- Thanks to Kenji Mikasa for the idea of using BG/FG samples in 1996.
Copyright and Copy policy
- This document is Copyright © 1996, 1999, 2001 by Kevin J. Walsh, all rights are reserved.
- The master copy of this document resides at http://eies.njit.edu/~walsh/rgb.html
- This document can be copied with or without modification provided that you indicate that it came from me, http://eies.njit.edu/~walsh.